Trustly provides payments directly from bank accounts in Europe, and is a popular way to pay in the Nordic countries. With Trustly, you can offer customers who prefer not to pay with cards a way to pay online using their bank accounts.

Payment typeOnline banking
Payin countriesAustria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom
Payout countriesAustria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom
Customer currenciesBGN, CZK, DKK, EUR, GBP, HRK, HUF, NOK, PLN, RON, SEK
Processing currenciesBGN, CZK, DKK, EUR, GBP, HRK, HUF, NOK, PLN, RON, SEK

How to pay with Trustly

  • Customers are redirected to a Trustly-hosted payment page where they see a list of available banks in their country.
  • They select their bank and are prompted to provide their online banking log-in credentials and authenticate as they would when logging into their online bank account.
  • They select the account from where they want to make the payment and are prompted to provide a one-time code to confirm the payment.
  • After they complete the payment, they are redirected back to your website or app.

If you want to use Trustly logos in your marketing materials or on the checkout page, please use official guidelines from Trustly. Trustly’s design guidelines has different logo formats and designs which can be used in your materials.

General flow

POST Request -> to /payment_preauthorize
<- Response (direct, synchronous) with status=2000&errormessage=pending and redirect_url
Customer is redirected to redirect_url (Trustly URL)
<- Callback (asynchronous) with errorcode=0&payment_state=not_credited_yet to notification_url
<- Callback (asynchronous) with errorcode=0&payment_state=credited to notification_url

Step 1. Make a transaction request

From your server, make a POST /payment_preauthorize request.

POST https://sandbox.payabl.com/pay/backoffice/payment_preauthorize

Include in request:

merchantid40 charactersMerchant identification number assigned during account creation
orderidmax. 40 charactersThe field orderid is optional and exclusively for the merchants' convenience
amountdigits only, either no decimals or two decimal places (e.g. 8 or 8.50)Transaction’s total amount that will be deducted from the customer
currency3 characters. ISO 4217The currency field contains the alpha-3 currency code for the transaction. Links to ISO
payment_method116payabl. Payment methods IDs
signature40 charactersSignature Calculation
country3 characters. ISO 3166-1 alpha-3Customer country. Supported countries: AUT, BEL, CZE, DEU, DNK, EST, ESP, FIN, GBR, LTU, LVA, NLD, NOR, POL, SWE, SVK
language2 characters, ISO 639-1This parameter determines the language in which Trustly pages will be shown. Valid values: da de en es et fi fr lt lv nl no pl ru sk sv
emailmax. 50 charactersCustomer email. An RFC 822 compliant email address
firstnamemax. 50 charactersFirst name of the customer
lastnamemax. 50 charactersLast name of the customer
url_successmax. 255 characters starting with http or httpsSuccessful transaction redirect URL
url_failedmax. 255 characters starting with http or httpsFailed transaction redirect URL
url_returnmax. 255 characters starting with http or httpsURL for customer redirection

You can see the full list of parameters in Pre-Authorization.

Request example:



Public Sandbox information

Do not use your personal email address, Order ID with sensitive information, real customer details and credit card data in the public Sandbox. For email field you may use test@test.com.


Redirection to url_return does not confirm that the transaction is successful. Always check the transaction via notification_url or use the diagnose interface to get the final status of the transaction.

Step 2. Handle the redirect

To complete the payment, you need to redirect the customer to the correct URL in the response.

Response example:


Response fields reference:

transactionidpayabl. internal transaction id. Please use this transaction id when referring to the transaction in communications with the payabl. team
transidThe same as transactionid
statusTransaction error code
errormessageBrief explanation of transaction decline reason (empty on success)
errmsgThe same as errormessage
amountTransaction amount
priceThe same as amount
currencyTransaction currency
orderidOptional transaction identifier assigned by the merchant
payment_methodPayment method ID
redirect_urlURL for customer redirection to finalize the payment (URL encoded)
user_idPayment system user identifier

After the client completed payment on the Trustly side, he will be redirected back to your url_return.
Additionally, you will get a notification to provided notification_url, which should be used to update statuses in your system.

Step 3. Receive the final status

Once the customer completes the payment, we will send a notification with the transaction's final status to the notification_url specified by you.

url_return and notification_url should be passed by you in the Pre-authorization request.

Alternatively, you can communicate a notifciation_url to be used by default to payabl. technical team. By doing so, you won't need to send it in every request.

Trustly notifications contain an additional notification parameter which is payment_state, which can contain the following values:

  • not_credited_yet: Capture - Accepted.
  • credited: Capture - Successful.
  • not_credited: Capture - Failed.

Each state change would trigger a notification to the notification URL, notification URL is the URL that was provided when the merchant account was created.

Notification example - Accepted Capture:


Notification example - Successful Capture:


Notification fields reference:

transactionidpayabl. internal transaction id. Please use this transaction id when referring to the transaction in communications with the payabl. team
typeTransaction type
errorcodeTransaction error code (0 for success)
errormessageBrief explanation of transaction decline reason (empty on success)
amountTransaction amount
orderidOptional transaction identifier given by the merchant
securitySignature to verify the authenticity of the notification. You can find more information here
timestampNotification timestamp
payment_stateTransaction acceptance state as described above

Additional Customer details can be added to both callbacks. Please contact Tech support to enable them:

bank_countryCustomer bank country
bicCustomer bank BIC
bank_nameCustomer bank name
account_numberCustomer account number
bank_numberCustomer bank number
account_holderAccount holder name

Notification example - Accepted Capture (additional parameters):


Notification example - Successful Capture (additional parameters):


When the customer finished or canceled the payment, he will be redirected back to url_return, provided by you in the initial request to payment_preauthorize. After that, you will receive a notification, posted to notification_url, with the final transaction status, which you suppose to use to update your system.


Notification URL can be configured by our tech support team in your account on our side,
or you can send it as a parameter notification_url in the initial request to payment_preauthorize.


In case 15 days pass and payabl. didn't receive any funds from an issuer, the transaction will be failed automatically. You will receive a notification update.


Trustly supports refunds and can be initiated only on a successful captured transaction.
The request will send a credit note to the authorization system after the customer has already been charged. The refund amount will be credited to the customer and the merchant’s account will be charged.

The refund can be done in two ways:

  • Through API integration
  • Through payabl. dashboard

If you have API integration, you can check more in our documentation Refund.


Trustly payout allows merchants to send funds to any bank account from listed countries via wire transfer. This can be done for customers who already have a deposit through the Trustly system or when the merchant has the bank details of the customer.

This is a server-to-server API request with no callbacks/webhooks.

POST https://sandbox.powercash21.com/pay/backoffice/payment_cft

The payout request through Trustly can be done in two ways:

  • Payout based on an existing transaction
  • New account details.

Based on an existing transaction

Merchant can choose an existing successful deposit or CFT transaction ID to automatically extract the account details for payouts.

Request example:


After you send a payout request, the system will validate your current balance. If your balance is sufficient then the transaction will be sent to Trustly for processing.

payabl. will send you a response letting you know if the payout was successful or not.

Response example:


New account details

Merchant (non-gambling) can also send funds to accounts of customers that do not have an associated transaction id. For this, the account details need to be sent via API. Please pay attention to the country list table for information on the formatting of the account number field as it can contain IBANs.

bankcountryISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the recipient’s bank.
Please check the table below for support countries
accountnumberIBAN or bank account number
banknumberThis parameter is an option if IBAN is sent
emailThe customer's email
birthdayThe customer's date of birth

Request example:


payabl. will send you a response.

Response example:


Failed payouts

In case an error occurs when processing the payout, a notification will be sent to the provided Notification URL so that you can flag the payout as failed in your system. Note that the notification will be sent AFTER the synchronous response has been sent.

There are 2 main reasons why a payout can fail after the response has been sent:

  1. There are not enough funds on the merchant’s account. In this case, the notification will be sent immediately after the payout request has been received.
  2. The funds are sent to the end user’s bank account, but then later Trustly is notified by the bank that the transfer failed, for example, if the recipient’s bank account has been closed. This is usually very uncommon, but if it happens the notification can be sent several days after the payout request was sent.

Failed notification example:


Supported countries for payout


Our Technical Support team is there to help you:
Email: tech.support@payabl.com
Available Monday – Friday between 09:00 and 17:00 CET/CEST