Credit Fund Transfer (credit cards)
The Credit Fund Transfer also can be referred to as payout or OCT- Original Credit Transfer.
Credit Fund Transfer API allows you to make payments such as insurance claims, rebates, affiliate and contractor payouts, expense reimbursements, or gaming winnings.
CFT availability depends on a number of factors such as the industry and country you’re operating in. CFT can be initiated without an initial transaction, depending on the industry regulation.
CFT transaction can be performed via payabl. Dashboard interface (allowed only based on the original transaction ID) or via our API.
Step 1: Make a payout request
The payout request can be done in two ways:
- with existing transaction-id received during original payment
- with credit card info - restricted to non-gambling merchants only
POST request to payabl. API endpoint:
Existing transaction-id.
In your request, include:
merchantid | Merchant identification number |
transactionid | Transaction ID of the original captured deposit (received in a callback). |
amount | amount to be credited. No dependence on original deposit. |
currency | 3 characters. Alphanumeric currency code, according to ISO 4217. Should correspond to the original deposit. |
payment_method | 1 for Cards. Payment methods IDs |
signature | Signature Calculation |
Full list of possible values see in CFT API reference.
Request example
Full credit card information (no link to original deposit)
In your request, include:
merchantid | Merchant identification number |
amount | amount to be credited. |
currency | 3 characters. Alphanumeric currency code, according to ISO 4217. |
ccn | Customer's credit card number. |
exp_month | Card expiry month |
exp_year | Card expiry year |
cardholder_name | Cardholder name |
payment_method | 1 for Cards. Payment methods IDs |
signature | Signature Calculation |
Full list of possible values see in CFT API reference.
Request example
cardholder_name=Max Mustermann&exp_month=07&exp_year=2020
Step 2. Receive response notification
After Successful, Failed or Pending CFT payabl. responds with a direct response to your server with a status.
transactionid | gateway transaction identification for the CFT |
status | transaction’s status within the payment gateway. 0 = no error, 2000=pending, any other value is an error code |
errormessage | error message from the Payment Gateway, empty for successful CFT |
amount | amount credited |
currency | 3 characters. Alphanumeric currency code, according to ISO 4217 |
transid | gateway transaction identification for the CFT |
errmsg | error message from the Payment Gateway, empty for successful CFT |
price | amount credited |
Response example
Balance decline reason
The most popular decline reason for a failed CFT - not enough Balance to process withdrawal. In this case you need to capture more payments on your account. Contact your Account manager on how to solve such cases.
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Updated 3 months ago