Frequently asked questions on our services and integration

Sandbox area

Do we need to use 1 general Sandbox account for tests?
Yes, our Sandbox accounts gateway_test (non 3DS) and gateway_test_3d (with 3DS) provide a full range of testing cases.

Can I use real data in a test mode?
No, only testing credentials are allowed in this mode. You may find them here: credit cards without 3DS, credit cards with 3DS, payment methods

Can we create personal test account?
We can provide you with a separate Sandbox account for testing specific cases. Indicate the reasons for personal testing account to your Onboarding manager.

Can we see Sandbox transactions in the interface?
We have a Backoffice portal interface for your test transactions which is a copy of Live dashboard. Follow this link. Login details are indicated here

Are my testing transactions seen by other users?
Yes, Sandbox interface and API are public. Do not use your personal data in requests.

I want to add/remove fields in Callbacks from your server. Current notification format doesn't match my needs.
We can solve it by changing fields in response. Contact our Support team (tech.support@payabl.com) to enable this function.

How does Sandbox behavior differ from Live mode?
Our team keeps Sandbox area up-to-date in full accordance with Live mode and API documentation. If you notice differences between behaviors please inform our Tech team. Real bank details and business/risk settings are not supported in Test.

Where can I find Production links for processing payments?
Links for processing operations in Live mode will be sent to you once Onboarding process finishes. We don't recommend make tests in Production.

Request initiation

What encoding do I have to use to implement this API?

Ensure requests are encoded in ISO/IEC 8859-1 (Latin-1). Do not try to send the gateway UTF-8 multibyte characters, it is NOT currently supported.

Why is transaction declined with error code -999 or -6000?

If you are receiving these error codes then you have a signature calculation issue (https://docs.payabl.com/docs/signature-calculation) or invalid fields/formats are indicated.

What to do when we get errormessage ‘Wrong custom1’ while testing on test accounts?

Please send ‘custom1=123456’ when you send request on test account, we need this parameter on the test accounts.

What parameters are required and which are optional?

Each interface has its own parameter table, which clearly denotes which parameters are required or optional. Here you may find all fields

What is the difference between Authorization and Pre-authorization?
In Authorization request Capturing happens automatically. In Pre-authorization you need to Capture operation with a request.

Transactions processing

How do we receive statuses on transactions?

payabl. sends Callbacks with statuses to Notification URL immediately after receiving a status from payment system. Notification URL can be provided in each request separately or can be set as a default value for your account.

If you don't receive a callback you may always initiate Resend callback function (https://docs.payabl.com/docs/resend-notification), Transaction diagnose interface function (https://docs.payabl.com/docs/diagnose-interface-1), Transaction log call (https://docs.payabl.com/docs/transactions-log-download-via-api) - all via API
Also payabl. can set an auto-retry callbacks until you answer "OK" to our side

How do we receive chargeback information?

By email, in Dashboard interface (chapter Chargeback, as soon as reported to our payment gateway), you can pull chargeback information with our [diagnose interface] (https://docs.payabl.com/docs/diagnose-interface-1)

What does error code 2000 mean?

Error code 2000 means that your transaction is in status Pending / in progress and the final status is uncleared to our payment gateway.

How has the amount parameter to be formatted?

The format has to be “XX.XX” or “XX”

For which transaction types can we do a reversal?

Reversal only works with/after a pre-authorisation.

How can one avoid the most common integration mistakes?

Ensure you are sending requests with the correct encoding ISO/IEC 8859-1 (Latin-1).
Read and understand the section on signature calculation, it is needed for every request you send to the gateway and is one of the most common faults with new integrations.

Bitcoin transactions

Is there chargeback for Bitcoin transaction?

Bitcoin transactions are anonymous and irreversible thus there is no chargebacks possible.

Is there refund for Bitcoin transaction?

No, refunds are not possible. But if the address of your client is provided we can send Bitcoins on your behalf.

If a Bitcoin payment is made after the transaction expires what happens?

A Bitcoin address lasts forever. So when a payment is made after the transaction expires, the bitcoin still is collected on our system on your behalf.

Where can we check the amount paid to a Bitcoin address?

There plenty of websites, but we recommend www.blockchain.info

How to contact us

The fastest and easiest way to ask any questions is to use our Support bot . According to your needs it will link your request to a relevant Team.

Find a button in the bottom right corner in API documents and in Backoffice interface (for already Live users)
Bot messenger in Skype
Bot messenger in Telegram: @Powercash21_bot

Email addresses:

Client support team (transaction statuses, information on payment methods, find trx, decline reasons)

Technical team (integration, requests & responses, communication problems, bugs on FE and BE)

Operations team (merchant account information, financial issues)

Personal Account manager (current merchant status and settings, wallet changes, financial and all other related to a specific client issues)

Onboarding team (adding new merchant account)

Risk team (risk management, fraud prevention)

Sales team (for new clients)

General information on our services