Response codes

When you send payment request to payabl., our gateway validates transaction parameters. The following table contains status codes that payabl. generates and sends in responses. The codes and descriptions are provided in the response message fields status and errormessage. For more information you may always contact Technical team.


Below is a list of the most common codes, additional error messages can be returned during processing

Error CodeError MessageComments
0Approved or completed successfully
2000PendingTransaction received and sent to processing
-999Unknown errorCheck your credentials, environment (Live vs Sandbox) and signature
-6000Found wrong or missing fields.The currency is not enabled and the transaction cannot be processed or Signature Calculation is incorrect.
-1Unknown config setting.
-104Illegal commandThis action is not allowed for your account/login. Contact support or Account manager for available services.
-119No permissionThis action is not allowed for your account/login. Contact support or Account Manager for available services.
-1311Account name wrong or missing
-1313Bank number wrong or missing
-1314Bank country wrong or missing
-1315Response failedTimeout or user aborted the transaction.
-1316Merchant payment method wrong or missing
-1318Iban number wrong or missing
-1319Bic number wrong or missing
-2400Too much retriesBlocks card credentials within 1 minute
-2402Blocked temporarily after successful paymentBlocks card credentials within 1 minute after successful payment to prevent bot attacks. Cardholder can retry later
-2404Blocked temporarily after failed paymentBlocks card credentials within 1 minute after failed payment to prevent bot attacks. Cardholder can retry later
-2405Blocked due to previous fraudBlocks card credentials if the card was compromised and fraud report was received for it
-2406Blocked due to a previous chargebackBlocks card credentials if the chargeback was received from it
-2407Blocked due to an currently active transactionYour client submitted too many transaction within 1 minute and duplicate attempts were blocked. The client can retry later.
-2454Reattempt not permittedThe transaction is declined by our system as reattempt with the same card is not permitted. Under this code you find a basic error which caused following blocks. Our advice for such situation is just to tell the cardholder to use an alternative card/payment.
-2455Decline limit exceeded for ccnLimit of reattempts allowed by Card Schemes for the same card and Merchant has been exceeded. Please ask Cardholder to use alternative card/payment method
-5000Internal error
-5002Payment failed
-5003Payment aborted by customerRegarding this transaction the payment has been aborted by the customer or by timeout.
-5004Payment was canceled due riskmanagement-checksDeposit was blocked due to risk management rules. You may find more clines from your Account Manager or payabl. support.
-5007Refund abortedThe merchant cancelled the refund manually.
-5008CFT aborted
-50103DS downgraded or Not Verified
-50113DS downgraded or invalid attemptIt means that 3DS verification process failed due to a technical error as issuing bank was not able to send all required values in the verification response. We would suggest retrying the purchase once again and in case it fails ask cardholder to use an alternative payment method.
-5012Incorrect eci dataIt means that 3DS verification process failed due to a technical error as issuing bank was not able to send all required values in the verification response. We would suggest retrying the purchase once again and in case it fails ask cardholder to use an alternative payment method.
-6001No valid fields foundSome of fields in the request contain invalid value. Check the correctness of the merchant ID and fields in your request
-6005Preauthorization action is disabledOnly authorization and auto-clearing can be used. To enable pre-authorization feature, please contact your Account Manager
-6102Wrong price
-6103Wrong currency
-6105Wrong lastname
-6106Wrong street
-6107Wrong zip
-6108Wrong city
-6109Wrong language
-6110Wrong salutation
-6111Wrong title
-6112Wrong gender
-6113Wrong firstname
-6114Wrong company
-6115Wrong birthday
-6116Wrong house
-6117Wrong postbox
-6118Wrong state
-6119Wrong email
-6120Wrong phone
-6121Wrong fax
-6122Wrong mobile
-6123Wrong customer-id
-6124Wrong custom1
-6125Wrong custom2
-6126Wrong custom3
-6127Wrong customer-ip
-6132Wrong order-ID
-6136Routing error
-6140Wrong language
-6141Wrong currency
-6142Wrong country
-6150Not supported currency
-6157Wrong paymentmethod
-6158Wrong merchant paymentsystem
-6159Wrong paymentsystem
-6163Wrong user-id
-6169Wrong Day
-6170Wrong Month
-6171Wrong Year
-6174Wrong country code
-6209MID is near to negative balance
-6211No confirmation from the bankTransaction in pending and not credited after 10 days.
-6212MID balance service internal errorTemporary error – Time out, retry later.
-6310CCN must be valid
-6311Expiry Date must be validMismatch with the date indicated and the date of the card.
-6312Luhn check failedCredit card number doesn’t make sense – card invalid.
-6313Expiry month must be valid
-6314Expiry year must be valid
-6315Missing or invalid cvc_code
-6316Cardholder name must be validCardholder name contains invalid characters or empty
-6317Missing or invalid card typeWrong customer details / card type / bank info
-6318BIN is hostileCountry BIN is blocked
-6319Wrong recurring IDIncorrect Transaction ID parameter of the initial recurring purchase was sent for COF transactions
-6327Recurring is not supported by this card typeMissing or wrong recurring ID / cvc_code / card type
-100013DSecure verification failed or incomplete3DS verification incomplete or failed.
-10002ECI wrong or missing
-10005Communication problem
-13000Timeout during sending request
-13001Communication problem during sending request
-13002Communication problem
-1110053D not enrolled for BIN