Transactions Statements Download

Download the transaction statements via API for a given time frame. You can download either a .zip file with all reports in .pdf, or get a per-transaction settlement report in .csv format.

Download .pdf transaction statements in a .zip file

The POST request should contain the following mandatory components:

Step 1. Authorization token via login interface

Before downloading transactions you need to request the authorization token which will be later on used to authorize you as a valid user of your existing Backoffice Portal.


This user is not the merchantid/paymentid used for payment processing.

Login Request:

Field NameTypeMandatory

 username and password is the username/password of the Backoffice portal account.

Login Response:

Field NameTypeDescription
tokenalphanumericYour authorization token

Step 2. Download transactions via download interface

Below is the download URLs for our Live environment.

After receiving the login token via the login interface insert the token in the Header of the download request as follows:

Authorization"Backoffice "+ [token]

And then construct your request body with the preferred time span as follows.


Maximum time range to be selected is 1 month.

Download Request:

Field NameTypeLengthFormatMandatoryDescription
dateFromalphanumeric19 charactersyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssstart date with time
dateToalphanumeric19 charactersyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssend date with time
filtersjson-{ }filters

Download Response:

.zip response: contains all .pdf reports as per set filters.

Download a per-transaction settlement report in .csv format

Download a settlement report per each transaction via API for a given time frame with needed parameters.

The POST request should contain the following mandatory components:

Step 1. Authorization token via login interface

Before downloading transactions you need to request the authorization token which will be later on used to authorize you as a valid user of your existing Backoffice Portal.


This user is not the merchantid/paymentid used for payment processing.

Login Request

Field NameTypeMandatory

 username and password is the username/password of the Backoffice portal account.

Login Response

Field NameTypeDescription
tokenalphanumericYour authorization token

Step 2. Get transactions via download interface

Below is the download URLs for our Live environment.

After receiving the login token via the login interface insert the token in the Header of the download request as follows:

Authorization"Backoffice " + [token]

And then construct your request body with the preferred time span as follows (example for currency filter):

    "datetimeFrom": "2023-03-21T00:00:00",
    "datetimeTo": "2023-03-22T23:59:59", 
    "txLogParams": {"currency": ["EUR"]}


Do not use long time period because this will influence the speed of downloading.

The following filters are available for this feature:



API call provides data in comma delimited format in response.