Parameters in Responses/Callbacks

You can enable additional parameters in the Responses and Callbacks you receive.

You can enable the below in the synchronous responses and in the notifications to your notification URL as well. Please find below a list of the extra parameters you could include.

General parameters

binBIN value
bin_countryBin Country
payment_methodPayment method which is used in the transaction
ccn_fourThe last 4 digits of the CCN
card_typeCard type e.g. : Mastercard
currencyCurrency e.g.: EUR
amountAmount value
expiry_yearExpiry year other card. e.g. expiry_year=2029
expiry_monthExpiry month of the card. e.g. expiry_month=07
cardholderCardholder bank name

First-Time Customer details

You can determine whether a customer is new or has had previous transactions based on a parameter provided in your responses or callbacks. (first_time_customer)

This feature can be enabled under the following conditions:

  1. By checking the email address:
    1. If there has been no successful transaction associated with the specified email address previously, the parameter first_time_customer=1 will be sent.
    2. Otherwise, it will be first_time_customer=0.
  2. By checking the credit card:
    1. If there has been no successful transaction associated with the specified credit card previously, the parameter first_time_customer=1 will be sent.
    2. Otherwise, it will be first_time_customer=0.
  3. By checking both the email address and credit card:
    1. If there has been no successful transaction associated with both the email address and credit card previously, the parameter first_time_customer=1 will be sent.
    2. Otherwise, it will be first_time_customer=0.

3DS parameters

3dstatusStatus of 3DS. e.g. Verified/Attempted/Non3d/Incomplete/Not verified
3dauthentication_statusWe sent "Y" for success, "N" for failed, "A" for attempted, "R" for Rejected from bank and "U" not authenticated due to unknown reason
3dauthentication_flowThe flow of the 3DS: e.g. frictionless_flow/challenge_flow
3dProtocolVersionProtocol version. e.g.: 2.2.0
3dtransactionStatusReasonMessageA message only when 3DS is failed
3dtransactionStatusReasonAn error code only when 3DS is failed
3dcardholderInformationAdditional information to Cardholder about the rejection

Visa and Mastercard details for Recurring or CoF Initial transactions

banknet_dateMastercard Settlement date
banknet_ref_numberMastercard Financial Product Code and Banknet Reference
visa_transaction_idVisa Transaction Identifier

Response example with enabled parameters:

currency=EUR&card_type=Mastercard&3dstatus=VERIFIED&3dauthentication_status=Y&&cardholder=Payabl+Test& type=capture&amount=0.02&expiry_year=2029&bin_country=CYP&expiry_month=07&payment_method=1& transactionid=299223801&bin=535456&orderid=Payabl-Test&first_time_customer=0×timestamp=1738224826&errorcode=0& ccn_four=2917&errormessage=&3dProtocolVersion=2.2.0&3dauthentication_flow=frictionless_flow& security=6ec4f44449d1dc0fa67e9016e85c474c93dcc8645428d226596d5a35270cba54


Please contact your Client Relations Manager or our Technical support team to enable any of the above.