Testing credentials for 3D Secure
Test credentials for 3d Secure integration
You can use the credentials below to test 3D Secure integration with payabl.
For all cards, you can use any CVC code and Expiry Date (older than current month).
OTP is "test"
MerchantID | Secret | Callback fields |
gateway_test_3d | b185 | default callback fields |
gateway_test_cb | b185 | extra callback fields |
Credit card | Card Enrolled | ECI | Authentication Status | Meaning |
4012001038443335 or 4242424242420000 | N | - | - | Cardholder not participating, card not enrolled |
4012001038488884 or 4242424242000000 | U | - | - | Unable to verfiy enrollment |
4012001037141112 or 4242424242424242 | Y | 05 | Y | Successful authentication |
4012001037167778 or 4242420000000000 | Y | 06 | A | Successful merchant attempt |
4012001037461114 or 4242000000000000 | Y | - | N | Authentication failure |
4012001037484447 or 4200000000000000 | Y | - | U | Authentication not available |
4242426790614587 | Y | 05 | Y | Frictionless flow |
For Mastercard integrity
Credit card | Card Enrolled | ECI | Authentication Status | Meaning |
5105105105105100 | Y | 01 | Y | Successful authentication |
5555555555554444 | Y | 01 | A | Invalid control byte |
5454545454545454 | N | - | - | Cardholder not participating |
For Soft decline scenario
Use this card to simulate Soft decline behavior.
- In authorization set param_3d = non3d.
- Operation will be processed as non3Ds with a "soft decline" 65.
- The job will re-initiate transaction with 3DS. You will get a response with 3DS link to redirect your customer (or it will be done automatically in iframe).
- Finally operation will be processed with a decline status.
In Interface you will see 2 Authorizations.
We set error code = 65 both for soft decline and final decline on test. But in Live transaction may be Captured or receive another decline code.
Card number | Decline code | 3DS status |
5406592832271063 | 65 | Verified |
Updated 10 months ago
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